E- Board Membership Opportunities


The Muslim Caucus is looking to expand its membership. We are looking for the members from our community, who are passionate about empowering, and educating our members regarding the importance of civic engagement. The Muslim Caucus will be conducting a series of town halls and education series throughout the election year and beyond. The primary goal is to connect the Muslim community with elected officials to address their concerns.

We are looking for passionate community members who would like to join our E-Board. if anyone is interested in any of the below sub-committees, please email Chair@muslimcaucusnv.com


  • A dedicated volunteer who can help in raising funds for the Caucus
  • Increase the membership
  • Help with the fundraising dinners


  • A dedication volunteer who would is passionate about Immigration reforms
  • Educate the community regarding Immigration rights
  • Hold townhall and education series with the elected officials.
  • Assisting DACA recipients and helping them navigate the law.


  • A dedication volunteer who would is passionate about healthcare reforms.
  • Hold townhall and education series with the community.

Housing & Rent Control 

  • A dedicated volunteer who is UpToDate with the rent control policies.
  • Assist our community members with their needs.
  • Conduct townhalls and education series with elected officials and their constituents. 

Prison Reforms

  • A volunteer who is passionate about Prison reforms
  • Build alliance with the DA and the AG offices
  • Build a partnership with LVMPD




  • A volunteer who is passionate about our education system in NV.
  • Connect with the members of the school board.
  • Discuss sensitive topics and connect our community with the school board.